What is Logistics Management

What is Logistics Management? Let’s start with what are Logistics?

It is a term being used more and more in business, but where did it come from?

Logistics come from the Greek logistikē which is the art of calculating.  A little more recently the term started being used by the U.S. military in World War I.  It continued  gaining use in other nations in World War II.

Logistics is a complex way to say the process of ensuring the right items are in the right place at the right time.  In its military context it was used to ensure  that essential supplies, including personnel, were taken from the right source(s), and transported to the areas of the front line where they were most needed.

Today Logistics if often used in a business context to make sure that the needed supplies and staff are available to get the needed work done.  This often involves supply chain management, but it also includes ensuring that internal staff, equipment and supplies are available as well as efficiently getting them to where they are needed.

What is Logistics Management?

So what is logistics management as it is referred to in modern business?

Though the concept of logistics is simple, the execution of it in modern industry can be extremely complex, including:

  • Inventory Management
  • Transportation
  • Packaging
  • Warehousing

It is not only making sure that you have the materials you need, or get them ordered in time before you need them, but also making sure that they are where you need them.  To make it even more complex, in the Field Service industry you also need to efficiently schedule your techs/reps to be able to be at your customers location quickly to support their needs in a timely manner.  But you also need to keep your driving time down, so that you:

  • keep your techs/reps spending more time working and less time driving
  • with the high prices of gas, keep the amount of fuel down

To see how Logistic Solutions can be implemented in your business contact us.

Learn more about what is logistics management here.

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