Transforming Piggly Wiggly Midwest with Android Tablet Kiosk Mode Setup


I recently had the opportunity to work with Piggly Wiggly Midwest, a name synonymous with quality food across the Midwest. They use Order Trakker with Handheld Group’s X41 Android Scanners to send orders to their warehouse. But they had a problem: managing all their Android tablets was tough. My job was to help them lock these tablets so they could only be used for store work. It also makes it easy to set up and control these tablets from their main office in Sheboygan, WI.

Introducing Kiosk Mode:

One of my first recommendations was the implementation of a ‘Kiosk Mode’ on their tablets. Kiosk Mode, locks down the device so that you can only use certain apps.

This stops anyone from using the tablets for things like games or changing settings by mistake. This was really important for Piggly Wiggly Midwest to make sure the tablets were only used for store use.

SureMDM: The Game-Changing Tool

I showed them SureMDM, a tool that helps manage all these tablets from one place. With SureMDM, Piggly Wiggly Midwest could do things like:

  1. Remote Management: They could control the tablets from their main office, even though the stores are all across the Midwest.
  2. Easy App and Settings Management: With SureMDM, they could easily change settings on the tablets. They could also add or take away apps. Thus, making sure each tablet was doing what it was supposed to.
  3. Consistency Through Templates: We made templates for the tablet settings, so all tablets worked the same way. This also made it super quick to set up new tablets.
Android tablet Kiosk Mode setup

The Impact:

Using Kiosk Mode and SureMDM really helped Piggly Wiggly Midwest. It made managing their tablets much easier and safer. The staff could spend more time helping on other projects because they didn’t have to worry about the tablets having problems.


Working with Piggly Wiggly Midwest on the Android tablet Kiosk Mode setup using SureMDM was not just a professional assignment for me. It was a journey in harnessing technology to drive real business transformation. It reminded me how using smart tech solutions can make work faster and more secure. It’s a big step in getting a store ready for the future.

If you’re curious about how an Android tablet Kiosk Mode setup can revolutionize your business operations, I’d love to share more from my experiences and help you find the right solutions.