The handheld inventory contains a list of not just all items that are on the truck, but of all products available to sell as defined in the product list. Each item on handheld’s inventory when fully defined includes:

  • Qty On Truck: The quantity currently on the truck
  • Needing Service: These are rental items that were returned and need some kind of service before they go back into service
  • Minimum Qty: The quantity that the EOD restock should set the Qty On Truck to. If the Restock option is not turned on for a given EOD process, the quantity will not increase. If it is checked, then it will add any items that are needed to bring the Qty on Truck up to the Minimum Quantity. After the EOD process a report is ready on the server for the inventory to be pulled from the warehouse and set aside to replenish the truck.
  • Tax Type: See Tax Processes
    • Type 0 = Tax Exempt
    • Type 1 = Use Tax Rate 1
    • Type 2 = Use Tax Rate 2


A mobile device can be configured as the “Warehouse” handheld. If this is set then whenever a restock is done the items will be pulled from the Warehouse inventory.