Android App Update

As the Android devices continue to improve and become more capable, so to we must keep Trakker up to date with these improvements. Everything form cameras to security gets updates.

In this update we needed to make adjustments to keep it compatible with the next release of Android, Android 14.

So we also took this opportunity to also improve the navigation of the app, making the fonts and layouts more consistent.

We also added menu items to the bottom of the app for Inventory, Reports, and Time Card tracking (for those who use that).

Not only that, but it has also allowed us the opportunity to match the layouts to iOS making it fully available for iPhones and iPads.

Due to some of the required changes made a few changes may be required to be put in place on your Trakker Server. And in some cases the Trakker app my need to be re-installed and re-load the data.

So please contact us in order for us to get you scheduled for the update.

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