You may have noticed that at the end of many of out posts it asks if you have different Needs? We can do that. Why do we say that? What does that mean?
What we offer that most Field Service Software companies don’t.
Field Service Trakker is filled with all kinds of must haves and nice to have features for the field service industry. But we recognize that many other software packages also offer this. What sets us apart is our ability to team up with you to add the features that you would like to see that are not out there. The things that make your business unique. The things that give you a competitive edge.
So does it work just out of the box?
Absolutely! For many of our customers Field Service Trakker offers everything they need to manage their inventory, scheduling, invoicing, customers… and they are off and running.
Why would I change a Field Service Management tool?
Some of our customers see that no packaged software on the market matches all of their exact needs. Many packages have most of them, some have a few additional and others have other features that they need, but none all of them, and perhaps none offer a few of the things they are looking for.
This is where Longwell Technologies come in with Field Service Trakker. We can not just customize some fields or reports, but we can work with our customers to completely design new processes and features that match our customer’s needs. In this way we can better integrate to the way your company does business rather than us telling you how you should do it.
Certainly we have recommended best practices and process flows already built in that work for many of our customers. But let’s be honest here. Just because something seems to be a best practice for many does that mean it is a best practice for all? No. We have certainly found times where due to geographical or even a management/employee culture that there need to be at least some tweaks to what is considered by many to be a best practice.
What about updates? Will it still get update?
YES! This is one of the things that make Field Service Trakker unique. From it’s original design concept the goal has always been to allow the program to not only allow customized fields and reports, but entire coded processes within the software itself that easily supports updates. This keeps support costs down, because the base application get’s updated to make sure it works with new versions of the Operating Systems (windows 95 – NT – XP – 7 – 8 – and now to 10 and to whatever is next) and that all of the new features that Field Service Trakker offers continue to flow to the base application as well as into any of the custom code created. Simply put. This is what we do!
If this is your business. If you have seen tools that almost fit the bill, contact us and let us learn about your needs so we can fill that gap and deliver the Field Service Management solution that exactly fits your needs.