Customer specific pricing is similar in structure volume discount pricing. In fact it uses the same tab and forms to define the pricing and can be set for all quantities of a product or volume discount break points specific to a specific customer
- To setup Volume Discounts Go into Products
- Search for the desired product
- Open product
- Go go the Pricing By Customer Tab
- Click Add New
- This should open the Product Customer form
- Select the desired Customer
- In the Pricing tab, click Add New
- This will open the Product Pricing form
- This is where you define the quantity range for the volume discount.
- For example if it is for any qty > 10
- Set From Qty to 10
- In the To Qty select Infinity from the drop down
- Fill in the Price
- Record->Save & Close (F9)
- If this discount is for 10 – 19
- Set From Qty to 10
- Set To Qty to 19
- Fill in the Price
- Record->Save & New (F10)
- Repeat for additional price point breaks until final group of X to Infinity
- Record->Save & Close (F9)
- Record->Save and Close (F9)
- This will return to the Product page and after refreshing the Pricing By Customer tab an entry for customer ” default” will be displayed
NOTE: the +/- next to the name will expand the area to show the pricing specifics. This can NOT be edited via the Edit Grid button.
The next time the handhelds sync, they will get these pricing rules