What Every Business Ought to Know… About Samsung Devices

Samsung is the number one manufacturer of smart phones (followed by Apple) in the world.  Most of their devices are the High End Android devices.

Some of the Samsung devices are IP6x rated meaning they are dust proof and water proof where x =

Moisture Protection
IP Code Protection
1 Protection against vertically dripping water
2 Protection against vertically dripping water when device is tilted at an angle up to 15 degrees
3 Protection against direct sprays of water when device is tilted at an angle up to 60 degrees
4 Protection from sprays and splashing of water in all directions.
5 Protection from low-pressure water projected from a nozzle with a 6.3mm diameter opening in any direction
6 Protection from water projected in powerful jets from a nozzle with a 12.5mm diameter opening in any direction
7 Protected from immersion in water with a depth of up to 1 meter (or 3.3 feet) for up to 30 mins
8 Protected from immersion in water with a depth of more than 1 meter (manufacturer must specify exact depth)

But note, not all of them are rated against even dust let alone water.

Are They Rugged

Well what is Rugged?  If being able to keep dust and water out is part of ruggedness, then as already explained, some of them do.

But what about real day to day things like DROPPING YOUR PHONE?  Have you ever dropped your cell phone?  Most of us have.  You then quickly panic and look first at the screen and then the rest of the device.  Many of the Samsung devices do a pretty good job preventing the screen from cracking, but the rest of the casing may not do so well.

You might notice Samsung doesn’t really give an official word on this testing or spec.

Operating Temperatures for Samsung Phones

How about handling extreme temperatures.  Ever accidently left your phone or tablet in the car in winter or the heat of summer (in the desert)?

Do any of your people need to use their devices in cold temperatures like walk in freezers or outside in the winter while wearing gloves?

How about outside in the middle of summer in the desert?

Samsung lists their outdoor normal operating temperature to be 32 – 95 degrees Fahrenheit.   https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00076952

In many parts of the United States the outdoor temperature gets below 32 and/or above 95 degrees for several months at a time and people still need to work and use their smart devices in these temperatures.

Built In Data Collection

Then there is the question of data collection.  A great use of Smart Phones and Tablets is the ability to collect data like reading barcodes or RFIDs to scan inventory or place orders…

Sure external Bluetooth devices can be used with pretty much any Android device on the market but then the user is left standing there with a smart phone in one hand, a scanning device in the other and then they use their third hand to move things around on the shelf… Oh wait… How many hands?

What about the Camera Scanner?

Of course.  How could I have forgotten about that?  The camera on a Smart Phone can also be programmed in an app to be used as a scanner.  It can read 1D and 2D barcodes.

Wait, it can not read RFID.

Oh and most scans take between  2 – 5 seconds per scan where as an actual scanner can scan 2 -3 times per second.  Though 2 – 5 seconds may not seem like a long time, go into a grocery store big box store and walk the floor and scan every item on their shelves to take an inventory… 2 – 5 seconds can be very long and very frustrating.

Are there rugged options with built in Data Collection?

Why yes there are.  We offer a complete line of Handheld products of Rugged Android Phones and Tablets that are not only dust proof, water proof, but also have drop tests 26 times onto cement, can handle temperatures below 0 Fahrenheit and offer 1D, 2D, and RFID scanners.

How much are they?

Many are near the price range of the high end Samsung devices, but are more durable in all the ways listed above, they usually have a life expectancy of 5 – 7 years vs 1 -3 of most Samsung devices.

To learn more or get pricing contact us today.

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